160 years since the end of the bloody Caucasian War
21 May 2024

May 21, 2024 marks 160 years since the end of the bloody Caucasian War, as a result of which in the 19th century thousands of Abkhazians left their homeland and headed to Turkey, the countries of the Middle East and the whole world.
On May 21, Abkhazia and the republics of the North Caucasus celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the Caucasian War. Among the main reasons that led to the mass resettlement of Abkhazians outside their homeland in the fundamental work of the famous Abkhaz historian Georgy Dzidzaria “Makhajirism and problems of the history of Abkhazia of the 20th century”, the following are named: the colonial policy of tsarism in the Caucasus; aggressive actions of Sultan Turkey which sought to capture this region; the provocative role of Western, especially British, colonialists who stood behind Turkey and sought to weaken Russia’s position in the Middle East; betrayal of the local reactionary Turkophile feudal nobility. The religious factor was important. The Muslim religion, professed by part of the population of the region inspired believers that the Turkish Sultan is the supreme patron of all Muslims. The social elite also used tribal relations and age-old customs. The desire of tsarism to establish a military-colonial regime in the Caucasus contributed to the emergence of the liberation movement of the peoples of the region. Tsarist generals and officials stubbornly adhered to violent methods of “pacification.” This was used by the British and Turkish ruling circles which pursuing their own selfish goals, further aggravated the situation in the region. Back in the first half of the 19th century. There were facts of emigration of some population of the Caucasus, including Abkhazians to Turkey. The first mass resettlement of Caucasian mountaineers abroad occurred in 1859 - 1865. The wave of Mukhadzhirism in 1867 was a consequence of the uprising in the village of Lykhny on July 26, 1866. More than 20 thousand people left Abkhazia becoming Mukhajirs. The largest wave of makhajirism in the 20th century occurred in 1877, when up to 50 thousand people left the borders of Abkhazia.

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