Anas Kishmaria's appeal on Children's Day
1 June 2023
World Childrens Day was established on June 1, 1949 by the International Democratic Federation of Women. This day serves as another occasion to draw the attention of adults to the problems of respecting childrens rights to freedom of opinion, education, protection from violence, access to qualified medical care and many other aspects of their lives that ensure a prosperous childhood. It is for the purpose of the comprehensive realization of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children that such significant international acts as the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, have been adopted. Unfortunately, Abkhazia is no exception in the issue of violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children. Today in Abkhazia, for example, there are many children who do not attend school for various reasons, many of whom remain without secondary education. There are problems in obtaining free medical services, in providing medicines to children suffering from chronic diseases. Unfortunately, we observe an insufficient systematic approach to solving these problems on the part of the state – the absence of the law "On Education", the insufficient level of efficiency of guardianship and guardianship authorities in the regions of the republic, the lack of qualified, systemic psychiatric care for children and many other problems. Moreover, it becomes especially difficult to respect the rights of children when, for one reason or another, parents violate them. Parents, as well as the State, must recognize and respect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children. We wish all children peace, health, a happy and joyful childhood!