II International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Origin and Development of Ideas on Human Rights and Freedoms"
23 October 2024
We invite you to take part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Origin and Development of Ideas on Human Rights and Freedoms" which will be held on December 10, 2024 in Sukhum in a face-to-face and correspondence format on the topic: "Protection of the institution of the family: the problem of domestic violence and ways to overcome it."
The event is expected to involve ombudsmen of foreign states, representatives of state authorities of the Republic of Abkhazia, international organizations, experts, the scientific community and human rights organizations.
A collection of reports and speeches by participants is planned to be published following the conference.
By agreement, a speech may be given on a topic (subject) not included in the list below.
The conference is planning speeches (reports) on the following topics:
- The history of the struggle for equal rights for women.
- The position of women in society and the world: trends and prospects.
- Factors leading to discrimination against women.
- International standards in the field of women's rights protection.
- Legislation of the countries of the world on domestic violence.
- International practice of combating domestic violence.
- Specifics of administrative and criminal liability for domestic violence in the practice of various states.
- Domestic violence in Abkhazia.
- Measures to support and protect persons who have survived domestic violence.
- Working with subjects of domestic violence.
- Consequences of domestic violence for the family, society and the state.
Requirements for reports:
Conference reports are to be submitted by December 2, 2024 to the e-mail address ombudsmanapsny@gmail.com The title of the report should be sent to the above e-mail address in advance, before November 4, 2024.
The volume of materials should not exceed 5 pages. The text should be typed in the same font - Times New Roman. Font height - 14 points; line spacing - 1.15. Paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm. Margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm. Reports must be formatted in a single format and contain the full name of the author and co-author (if co-authored) of the report, place of work and position, as well as an email address.
The speech is limited to no more than 7 minutes. No more than 3 minutes are allocated for questions to the speaker and his answers.