Representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference
12 December 2024

Representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic - Umut Rakymovna Abylgazieva and Rimma Toktomushovna Osmonova - took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Origin and Development of Ideas on Human Rights and Freedoms" on the topic "Protection of the Family Institution: the Problem of Domestic Violence and Ways to Overcome It" which took place on December 10 in Sukhum.

These are the first contacts between the offices of the Commissioners of Abkhazia and the Kyrgyz Republic and the first visit of representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic to Abkhazia.

Within the event, Umut Abylgazieva shared the experience of the Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic in protecting women's rights from domestic violence and spoke about the mechanisms for working with such appeals.

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