Sergei Bagapsh is 75 years old
4 March 2024

Sergei Bagapsh is 75 years old
On March 4, 2024, Abkhazia celebrates the Anniversary of Sergei Bagapsh (1949 – 2011). On this
day he would have turned 75 years old.
Sergei Bagapsh was born on March 4, 1949 in Sukhum. He became a significant figure in the
political history of Abkhazia. His achievements will never be forgotten by his descendants - the
inhabitants of Abkhazia.
Sergei Bagapsh served as President of Abkhazia from 2005 to 2011 and despite the complexity
of the situation, he always wisely and with dignity represented and defended the interests of the
Abkhazian people, both within the country and in the international arena. Contemporaries noted
his exceptional diplomatic abilities, will and human qualities. The name of Sergei Bagapsh is
associated with the beginning of the rapid, widespread development of Abkhazia. He enjoyed the
sincere love of the people and comrades living in Abkhazia, as well as the respect of his opponents,
many of them became friends and like-minded people with him. The role of Sergei Bagapsh’s in
the history of Abkhazia cannot be overestimated.
Under the leadership of Sergei Bagapsh, Abkhazia was officially recognized as a sovereign and
independent state by the Russian Federation and then by Venezuela, Nicaragua, Nauru and Tuvalu.
He was truly the people's President who made no distinctions and did not determine the tone of
communication with his interlocutors depending on their social status and financial situation.
Every year the people of Abkhazia full of respect and gratitude celebrate this day to remember the
contribution of Sergei Bagapsh to the development and prosperity of Abkhazia. The ancient
Abkhazian proverb – “The one who lives for the people is the relative to everyone” – fully applies
to him. On this day we try to pay due attention to the memory of Sergei Vasilyevich, his dedication
and determination shown in the construction and care of the Abkhazian people and state as a whole.

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